Saturday, September 11, 2010

Welcome to the Jungle

Inside and outside our house it feels like a jungle in terms of environment, decor, and especially temperature! Poor Tim worked for another hour to get through the exceptionally tall grass in our backyard with just our regular mower. I think a heavy duty commercial mower for this first trim, or at a minimum, a riding mower... the poor guy. His fasion faux pas can be forgiven when you see how high this grass is. Speaking of fashion faux pas, Tim was so proud of his thrift store pants. He has them in yellow too. What a guy!

Inside the house, I spent about 4.5 hours today stripping jungle print wallpaper. When I needed a break from that I washed the floors with bleach... just wanted things to smell clean even if they don't look really clean yet. This wallpaper is a killer! I can't believe I worked so hard for so long and have so little to show for it. I have a scoring tool, special wallpaper remover chemical spray, hot water and a rag, a hand steamer AND a metal scraper, and I am only done with about 1/4 of the kitchen. I'm dying! There are 3 bathrooms left to go after this darn kitchen. Any words of wisdom on wallpaper removal I would greatly appreciate.
Another item of interest, apparently our Broken House was the builder's model for the Parade of Homes when it was built in 1996. So this wallpaper isn't just any wallpaper... it's super duper extra glue look good for the Parade of Homes wallpaper. So keep that in mind if you've got wallpaper removal ideas. Here's a shot of what I've removed so far. Not much to show for all that effort.

The heat index today in Orlando (the polar opposite of "wind chill" for all you Northerners) was 104 degrees. And let me remind you, still no air conditioning in this house. That'll be installed next Thursday, and oh how lovely that will be. We did get our new garage door opener installed so a bit of progress on that front. And Tim removed ALL of the carpet in the house as well as padding underneath. A very dirty and smelly job. I'm Mrs. Wallpaper, and he's Mr. Floors and Lawn I guess.

One last update for this VERY hot day, Tim also pressure washed the front walk leading to our front door. It was so bad, he wrote his name in the mold/muck cooked onto the concrete for the past probably 14 years, check that out. Things are looking like progress is being made, and for that I am pretty happy. I'm also pretty happy the pool is up and running. The kids spent about 6.5 hours in there today, and Tim and I jumped in at the end too, to cool off. So much better!

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