We've had a pretty good amount of company so far in the now-Beautiful House. Most recently, my brother John came to stay while he was en route to a medical conference down in Naples. The kids "silly stringed" him because he deserved it. Those of you who know him, you don't even need to know the story, you just know that my brother deserved it. Actually, he was a good sport and he planned the whole silly-stringing event. Norah got a little overzealous, and Timmy wanted additional cans and asked if he could practice so that next time he could really put a beat-down on John.
Here's one of the "Gutter Guys," who knew we'd be so excited for a significant downpour to come? Oh how our lives have changed that we are eager to try out our new gutters! |
Another "Gutter Guy" |
This poor gutter guy had the misfortune of working over the screened-in pool area. Those of you that live in Florida know that these screens have a limited shelf life due to the extreme temperatures and overbearing sun. The screens become very brittle and fragile and the slightest pressure will break them. Bummer for him, but happy for us... his caulk gun tore through our pool screen. Remember, the name of this blog is "Foreclosure Paradise," and these screens were pretty old and in bad shape anyway. Well, he had to replace the screen for us. And in the process of replacing the screen.... he broke another one. So we got two new screen sections.
So onto Florida's newest Citrus Baron. Tim is pretty excited that we have an exceptionally productive grapefruit tree! He has jokingly started calling us "The Boston Citrus Company," and Tim spends A LOT of time on his citrus trees. I don't even really like grapefruit, but I can honestly say that our grapefruit tree produces really sweet and juicy grapefruits. We are actually taking care of them now, fertilizing and watering - which is more than these trees have gotten in the past probably 3-5 years. We have high hopes that the winter of 2012 will bring on a bumper crop!
The Boston Citrus Company: Tim became a little obsessive about picking as many grapefruits as possible |
A closeup of The Boston Citrus Company production! Tim brought these grapefruits to the kids' schools and left them there for teachers/staff/parents that wanted them. They were gone in 1/2 a day! |
More cracks, on our bedroom side |
Front yard raked and prepped, ready for sod! |
So after having the house painted, we had to work on the grass. Or the weeds. Whatever was in the front of our yard that was occasionally green. The house had been unoccupied for about 2 years before we purchased it, and very minimal lawn care had taken place during that time. In addition, I'm pretty sure that even before the previous owners moved out, lawn care was NOT their forte. We found a landscape company that gave us a really fair price on clearing out the dead weeds/grass and installation of nice, new St. Augustine sod. For those of you that have never walked on Florida grass, it's kind of a new experience for us Northerners. It's just weird. Springy, spongy, weird grass. But that's how we roll here in the Sunshine State.
The pallets of sod looked like alien invaders on the front yard |
The kids were pretty excited about having grass again. |
The sod starting to go down, it looks like a carpet! |
Another view of our lanai. This is where I'd put the indoor/outdoor maroon curtains and the nice pool furniture. I want to wait till I find what I really want, and it'll probably be fall before I'll really have some time (or money) to shop for what I want. One thing I have learned in this whole renovation process, I am willing to wait for what I really want!
Pool View, with the Beigy-Deck painted. Tim just bought a pool thermometer today, and it's 71 degrees Fahrenheit. The kids have been swimming for over a month during this swimming season (2011)... it HAD to have been in the 60's when they started. I swear, my kids must have nerve damage because they swim in this ice-cold water like nobody's business! |
So we do have some other projects to complete, but we believe that the house is about 95-99% complete! This has been an amazing project, and we are so happy with how it turned out. Believe it or not, we think we are within about $1000 of our original budget estimate, made before we even had our home inspection (and really knew just how bad this house might be!). We really didn't have even a single argument with each other during this whole process about anything related to the house or renovation. The kids were AWESOME helpers to us. All in all, we would DEFINITELY do this again. Now we just have to find another Broken House in need of us! We're looking for one!